From shelfs to Automation
Blue Robot ASRS is a cube-based Automated Storage and Retreival System. As an automation platform, Blue is very suitable for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) with ambitions to modernize their business. Blue can be easily integrated into your existing processes and is therefore a safe and sensible choice for the company and the employees.
Single Blue
The most popular configuration of the Blue Robot ASRS has a size of up to 5,000 bins with one robot and one picking station. This provides good storage capacity combined with high performance.

Dual Blue
For larger installations, we can offer increased capacity with two robots in one and the same cube. This solution can be combined with one or more picking stations to achieve increased performance or the desired process support. Dual Blue is well suited for cubes of up to 10,000 bins.

AutoPort for conveyors
Our unique module for integrating cube storage with transport lanes. In many contexts, it will be desirable to automatically retrieve bins of products for use in processes on the outside of the cube. This is easily supported by using AutoPort which makes it possible to deliver a case from the cube to a conveyor system.

AutoPort for AMR
Connecting AutoPort to autonomous mobile robots meets needs where bins must be moved over longer distances without taking up large areas. This provides, among other things, a very good use of space in addition to a significantly better working environment. The solution is well suited for production companies and processes where the internal transport needs are large.