Compact Cube Storage
Automated storage and retrieval system
Blue in

As compact as it gets
Blue Robot is one of the world's most compact robots for cube storage and provides up to 10 times more storage volume than traditional storage. By introducing automation and cube-based storage, you achieve extremely good utilization of the warehouse's area in addition to a significant increase in precision and efficiency.

Keep it simple
When introducing automation and smart processes, you want to free up working time for more productive activities while increasing efficiency and quality. This is achieved by introducing Blue Robot. The system as a whole has been designed with the aim of making both installation, use and maintenance as simple as possible..

Flexible product replenishment
Handling of incoming goods can quickly become a bottleneck and must be made more efficient when automation is introduced. Product replenishment is efficiently carried out on the outside of the cube, directly in empty boxes. Packaging and rubbish can thus easily be sorted where the goods enter the warehouse. Finally full boxes are efficiently loaded into the cube.
Blue Robot ASRS in use
Order picking
The time spent on picking goods should not consist of endless walking between racks on hard concrete floors. It should rather be used for accurate picking and quality control.
Since the boxes in Blue Robot ASRS can be removed from the system, regardless of whether they are empty or contain goods, the system is well suited as compact storage for processes where intermediate storage of parts and sub-components is used in an assembly process.
Blue Robot ASRS can act as a consolidation HUB for goods waiting for the entire order to be fully picked and shipped.
Blue Robot ASRS is an open solution that can easily be connected to a production line where the boxes are used for shipping parts to production and storing partial or finished products.
Secure storage
Cube-based storage is a smart way to secure valuable items. The cube itself can be built in with the required level of security, in addition to the fact that access to the system via the software prevents unauthorized persons from retrieving the contents of the cube.
Use cube storage as compact storage in traditional stores, shopping centers, black stores or in other cases where goods must be available for refilling and quick retrieval.